Order Form

Please select the portrait you wish to order below, and then complete your details.
Payments are handled securely by Paypal (no need for an account) or you can pay by cheque made payable to 'S. Bretel' if you prefer.
Once you have submitted your order and payment, please send your photos to steve@animalvisual.co.uk or by post.

Your Artwork
Item Size Deposit Cost Number Required
Order Total £ £
A4 £75.00 £150.00
A4 £105.00 £210.00
A3 £135.00 £270.00
A3 £190.00 £380.00
Graphite Pencil
A5 £45.00 £95.00
Optional Extras
A6   £10.00
Your Details

Your order confirmation will be sent to this address - please check it is correct
If outside UK
Artwork Details
(optional) [dd/mm/yyyy]
e.g. Google, recommendation etc. If another website, please specify.
Solution Graphics

By placing an order you confirm that you accept the Terms & Conditions.

I accept payment via Paypal or Credit/Debit cards.
You do not need to sign up to Paypal to pay by credit/debit card - just click the 'Continue' link below 'Don't have a PayPal account?' on the next screen.

If you prefer, I can accept payment by cheque. Just print out this form, click below and enclose it with your payment.